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GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Spec Namespace / IPdfDictExt Class / TryGetArray Method / TryGetArray<T>(IPdfDict,PdfName,T[],Boolean) Method
The current dictionary.
The key identifying the value.
OUT: The value.
Indicates whether to convert a single T value to an array.

In This Topic
    TryGetArray<T>(IPdfDict,PdfName,T[],Boolean) Method
    In This Topic
    Tries to get the array associated with the specified key, if the value does not exist or cannot be converted to an array of T returns false.
    Public Overloads Shared Function TryGetArray(Of T As IPdfObject)( _
       ByVal dict As IPdfDict, _
       ByVal key As PdfName, _
       ByRef value() As T, _
       Optional ByVal singleToArray As System.Boolean _
    ) As System.Boolean
    public static System.bool TryGetArray<T>( 
       IPdfDict dict,
       PdfName key,
       out T[] value,
       System.bool singleToArray
    where T: IPdfObject


    The current dictionary.
    The key identifying the value.
    OUT: The value.
    Indicates whether to convert a single T value to an array.

    Type Parameters


    Return Value

    true if value exists, false otherwise.
    See Also